HTML Color February 09, 2017 | No Comments | In HTML, a color can be specified by using a color name, an RGB value, or a HEX value. Background-color set by using red Background-color set by using orange Background-color set by using yellow Background-color set by using blue Background-color set by using cyan Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(90,90,90) Background-color set by using rgb(128,128,128) Background-color set by using rgb(200,200,200) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,255) Background-color set by using #FF0000 Background-color set by using #00FF00 Background-color set by using #0000FF Background-color set by using #FFFF00 Background-color set by using #FF00FF Background-color set by using #00FFFF Background-color set by using #000000 Background-color set by using #808080 Background-color set by using #FFFFFF You can edit the HTML, Copy the Code areas HTML code to Paste our online HTML editor Page Or below HTML Editor area Now PracticsTry it Yourself Preview Clear Background-color set by using red Background-color set by using orange Background-color set by using yellow Background-color set by using blue Background-color set by using cyan Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(90,90,90) Background-color set by using rgb(128,128,128) Background-color set by using rgb(200,200,200) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,255) Background-color set by using #FF0000 Background-color set by using #00FF00 Background-color set by using #0000FF Background-color set by using #FFFF00 Background-color set by using #FF00FF Background-color set by using #00FFFF Background-color set by using #000000 Background-color set by using #808080 Background-color set by using #FFFFFF Results well be Background-color set by using red Background-color set by using orange Background-color set by using yellow Background-color set by using blue Background-color set by using cyan Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,0) Background-color set by using rgb(255,0,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,255,255) Background-color set by using rgb(0,0,0) Background-color set by using rgb(90,90,90) Background-color set by using rgb(128,128,128) Background-color set by using rgb(200,200,200) Background-color set by using rgb(255,255,255) Background-color set by using #FF0000 Background-color set by using #00FF00 Background-color set by using #0000FF Background-color set by using #FFFF00 Background-color set by using #FF00FF Background-color set by using #00FFFF Background-color set by using #000000 Background-color set by using #808080 Background-color set by using #FFFFFF Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg HTML5 Tutorial
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